Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the name “Mondradiko” come from?

“Mondradiko” is Esperanto for “world root.” The original candidate for the name was “world seed,” which translates to “Mondraspermo,” but that doesn’t have the same charm to it.

How is “Mondradiko” pronounced?


Why open source?

Virtual reality might be connected directly to your brain one day. When that day comes, would you really want to be running proprietary software on your headset? Seeing how the VR community is responding to Facebook’s stranglehold on the Oculus Quest 2 and its mandatory Facebook login, I think not. The development of open source VR, both hardware and software, is essential to making VR safe and private for everyone.

Will Mondradiko be on PlayStation VR?

No, because Sony’s PlayStation SDK is proprietary and requires the signing of a non-disclosure agreement to be used, meaning it’s incompatible with Mondradiko’s open source license.

If you’d like to use a PSVR headset with Mondradiko or PC VR in general, consider using Monado, an open source OpenXR runtime that supports the PlayStation VR headset.